How Rigged Lighting Impacts Event Vibe

Next Phase Media ThirdEye Creative Productions Motus Arizona Grand Phoenix

Here at Next Phase Media, with almost two decades under our belt in the event production game, we've seen firsthand how the right lighting can make or break an event's atmosphere.

Our recent show with ThirdEye Creative Productions in Phoenix really put the spotlight on rigged lighting and why it's often the MVP compared to its ground-supported cousin.

Rigged Lighting: A Game Changer

So, what's the big deal with rigged lighting? It's all about elevating the experience—literally and figuratively.

By taking lights off the ground and rigging them up, we open up the floor, making the space more inviting and less cluttered. It's like giving your event a breath of fresh air.

Space-Saving, Mood-Making

Picture this: a vast room filled with tables, waiting for guests to arrive. Now, add some ground-supported lights into the mix. It feels a bit cramped, right?

Switch those out for rigged lights, and suddenly, there's more room for everything—dancing, networking, you name it. Plus, the way rigged lights play off the venue's features? Chef's kiss!

Why Flexibility Matters

With rigged lighting, it's all about control. Want to highlight that keynote speaker or add some drama to the dinner setting?

Rigged lights can be positioned just right to direct your guests' focus and set the tone, whether it's professional polish or party time.

Shoutout to ThirdEye Creative Productions

Our recent collab with ThirdEye Creative Productions out of Atlanta really showcased how rigged lighting can transform a space.

Their vision, combined with our high-end equipment, resulted in an event that looked as good as it felt.


Choosing between rigged and ground-supported lighting isn't just a technical decision—it's about shaping your event's narrative.

At Next Phase Media, we're all about finding the perfect tech solutions to bring your event's story to life.

Got a lighting challenge or an event on the horizon? Drop us a line. We love geeking out over this stuff and would be stoked to help make your next event shine.


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